The Main Thing


Greetings to all!

The forty day season of Lent has begun. It’s among the oldest of Christian traditions still observed today. Last night at our Ash Wednesday service a cross was made on everyone’s forehead in ashes as a sign of our repentance and redemption through the cross of Christ. That practice began in the church in the tenth century! Not the drive-thru option, of course. That’s a little more recent.

I invited everyone to observe a holy Lent. By that I mean taking time for slowing down, to recharge. Think of it as spring cleaning. We open the closets and discard the old, the no longer useful, what we’ve grown out of, what we need to let go. What are those things in your life?

Our Lenten focus in Sunday worship will be on the ministry events in the life of Jesus, starting with His temptation in the wilderness. What a great place to start after our focus these past Sundays on the battle every Christian is in. Here is Jesus in His first battle. We see how He was tempted, how His temptations and ours are more alike than we think, and the big take away for us in dealing with our temptations.

I hope to see you Sunday.

In Christ alone,
Pastor Allynn

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